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Cloncad ITAC Maintenance Team attend vital maintenance visits across Ireland

Cloncad ITAC Maintenance Team attend vital maintenance visits across Ireland

Cloncad ITAC Maintenance Team attend vital maintenance visits across Ireland

Throughout the lockdown Cloncad ITAC Maintenance Team attended numerous call outs and vital maintenance visits across a number of facilities in Ireland.

One of these sites being Grifols Pharmaceutical in Grange Castle Business Park, an essential product provider whom Cloncad are proud to have a longstanding relationship with.

Dedicated Cloncad ITAC Engineers Damon Shortt and Seamus McNally have continued to provide uninterrupted 24/7/365 support to Grifols and the crucial works they carry out within their facility despite the current epidemic. Our project team within Grifols, lead by long term Cloncad Supervisor JJ Osborne have also continued to progress essential works on Grifols new packaging line while following CIF SOP C-19 Guidelines.

Both our maintenance and project teams going above and beyond in executing works during COVID-19 without any disruption

Cloncad ITAC Maintenance Team attend vital maintenance visits across Ireland
Cloncad ITAC Maintenance Team attend vital maintenance visits across Ireland
Cloncad ITAC Maintenance Team attend vital maintenance visits across Ireland